My Digital Universe, Poems

The Calm Fury

Observe patiently,
Let them swarm rapidly— celebrate victory.
Listen to the flies buzzing— endure the mockery,
Withhold reactions to misplaced glory.

When emotions rise like a tsunami,
Pull them back, eliminate the worry.
Calmness is your fury,
You must control your story.

Stabs will poke holes, might get gory,
Hold the strike, for time is eerie.
Soon their horses will turn to ponies,
Let the dust divulge those cronies.


Writing right

When words spoken, often alter,
Unspoken, they are left to wonder.
Thoughts are better off to ponder,
Than feelings they produce, to harbor.

Why can’t we discuss without a faulter?
Listen, converse and be much broader?
If love is truly greater than the marauder,
Being right doesn’t have to be the deriver.

Better left alone than a survivor,
Of a battle fought for vain cadaver.
Feeling with intended desire,
Allows thought to quickly transpire.

Miscellaneous, My Digital Universe

Inside, looking out

The eyes reflect what the heart tries to hide,

Your thoughts won’t contain, although you fight,

Your concern for how I should fly my kite,

Is eating up the moments before your eyes.

Life is but a moment depleted,

So why focus on someone else’s misses?

Time is only moving forward,

Why not focus on your journey?

There are no secrets in life. A sincere smile shows a sincere heart. It reflects that a person has no qualms about what someone did or ought to do.

The words spoken behind someone’s back, a negative thought or dislikes cannot be hidden with a smile or a gesture.

It all shows.

There’s no magic about it. What you think of someone will show with your smile. What you told of someone will show through the one that you told it to.

Call it energy, vibes, juju … These are all ways that someone’s perception of another manifests and how the receptor experiences it.

Perhaps one solution is to not concern so much about other people’s lived experiences. Curiosity has a place. When curiosity becomes an obsession over what someone else is doing, you forget to live the very short life you have. Now you are not only meddling with the limited moments another has to experience life, but also wasting your own, on futile analysis’.

Ever wonder why faith causes so many problems in the world? It’s not so much the teachings of a faith but the application and interpretation of that faith that cause issues. Often times the application of faith is blatantly hypocritical when compared to the teachings.

Devotees are so concerned of how someone else is living their life that they feel the need to take on the role of a deity. Or, do they feel as if everyone must agree with exactly what they perceive to be correct in their minds? I don’t see an issue with someone’s firm belief that what they believe is right. However, when you impose that onto people and derive moral authority, it becomes a problem. Spiritual practices do not have measurements or evaluation procedures. For better or for worse, that leaves room for all sorts of things. If you can’t accept another human being based on their merits, I don’t mean the standards that you uphold to be worthy, but simply for who they are, perhaps you need to reevaluate your faith.

Is it a spiritual practice at that point? Or is it a crutch that you need to define who you are in terms of who someone else is?

Part of the issue lies in hierarchical view points that dominate our society. Whether we like to admit or not, modern society in general, still operates under the pretense of importance that people attach to professions, qualifications and achievements. So instead of seeing the most obvious oneness, we are programmed to compare, dissect and position ourselves in relation to those we meet.

Ever thought what a human would look like to an alien? At a glance, an extra terrestrial would categorize animals based on their common characteristics. And all humans, regardless of color, race, gender or qualifications will be categorized under one generic umbrella.

If we need faith to feel good about ourselves in relation to another, to me there’s little value in that belief. A spiritual practice, first and foremost should nourish and sustain the individual practitioner. Next, it should create harmony and unity with everything around them. It should dissolve and dismantle illogical untruths that one accumulate as they grow up in a world with conflicting opinions and ideas.

At the end, truth shouldn’t require any justification. If it requires persuasion, think twice. If something is so true, wouldn’t it be undeniable obvious? Wouldn’t it be inescapably comprehensible? Is it fair for some individuals to understand it and not others, if something is true? Or is truth like mathematics? If so, wouldn’t it be math and not the truth? Can truth be relative? If that’s the case, what’s the point of enforcing laws?


Over the moon

I wrote you poems,
Thought you’d notice.
I showed up,
Thought you’d speak.

I sent you thoughts,
Hoping you’ll catch them.
Then I got over you —
Just like that!
Nothing drastic,
No mind altering tactics.

I’m not a waiter.
My heart’s not a restaurant.
I waited long enough.

There’s only one moon,
In this galaxy, that is.
I’m not a fighter,
I’m only a writer.
There are other galaxies,
Different possibilities.
I let my mind wander,
To the distant galaxies yonder,
Maybe they too have bumble and tinder?
New moons are new, when found.
But they existed, all bright and round.


Morning rain

Rain drops in the sky,
Slowly pouring while,
Early morning smiles;
Everything worth while.

Through the gentle tides,
You whisper gentle plights,
There’s a warmth deep inside,
No ladder left to climb.

As the flowers bud in time,
So the grass holds its right.
Just to lay down and ride,
The waves of this light!

And it’s raining down,
So deep inside,
Not a worry left in sight,
Dreams revived, with light.

And the sun will shine,
For the wandering heart,
With the rain in sight,
It’s blooming time!

My Digital Universe, Portfolio

On the mind

Hearing is involuntary but listening is a choice. You don’t have to listen to all the voices that you hear. Exercise control when it comes to who and what you authorize to influence your mind.

Yes, you are the gatekeeper of your mind.

The senses are mere receptacles. Your mind has the power to decide whether to push play or pause. What about the involuntary noises? Exercise control and selectivity. In order to do this effectively and consistently, one must come to the realization that the soul itself is the controller of your life.

The soul is not a control freak, it’s there for a purpose but it won’t execute that purpose without willingness. If the purpose of the soul is to create, it will wait till the vessel (you) are ready both in your mind and body. You hold the key to your soul, mind and body.

Mind and perception

Perhaps we forget that we are not our body, we are not our mind, we are not our soul … we are but one and all. What you can comprehend is what you will perceive. From what you perceive you will derive your filtered version of comprehension and from that comprehension you will execute actions that will create your experiences. Not a single piece of the universe is out of place. If it was, life will not be sustainable. So, be selective. Life is infinite. Possibilities are endless.

“Make your dreams out of rubber balls, they won’t drown.

If you throw it away, it will bounce back!

Rubber balls are fun, not just for you but for others too.”

My Digital Universe

Since you must be polite all the time, let me be rude in my writing, slightly and oh yeah, incoherent (coz I can, when I want to). So judge me.

There comes a point in life that dreaming about what makes you happy simply isn’t enough. Well, at least it did to me. It sure didn’t happen overnight and a lot of different things contributed to the realization of what that is, over a considerable period of time.

The tears, fears, disappointments, hurts, people, circumstances, PEOPLE, did I say PEE POLES?!!!

… you name it.

It was this lingering feeling that I always pushed to the side, thinking I will do it when I have this, or when I have this and that figured out.

But one fine day, life twisted my arm and kicked me in the nuts and instead of drowning in tears or uncertainty, I decided to just fucking do it. I don’t like to cuss, but I want to be honest here. So, if that offended you, I’m sorry, then again, I’m not. The preceding lines will explain as to why I am not. The apology was for formalities sake. But we don’t care about that anymore do we? Trump’s proof of that!

Anyway, that’s how I felt after everything I’ve gone through that month and the years leading up to that FINE day. So, as it is with most major decisions in life, with a lot of uncertainty and tons of faith to make it work no-matter-how, I convinced myself that time for me to live was NOW!

If you happen to know me in real life, you would know me as however you describe me behind my back to someone that’ll never tell me how you described me. Mostly nice, I hope, if not, I don’t care if you can’t say it to my FACE.

But we all know that who we really are and what we really want in life are often buried deep inside of the facade and the act we put on in public. Yeah, ACTORS/ACTRESSES! it’s not a secret anymore. We all act. That’s why we wrap our privates in fancy cloth! Or you are afraid they’ll fall off?

Well, at least most of us don’t go around wearing a robe that outline all things we hope to be and do in life. Heck, I didn’t even have a clue of how I could live out just this one aspect of one of my life-long dreams. And I am not saying that I am living it out just yet, but I’m sure as hell close to it than I was ever before.

Life … well I’ll stop about life right there. I have no clue what life is yet. I’d be lying to you if I was to say it’s this or that. So, let’s say this one passion of mine was a huge driving force for me to go get my education, but it also made me miserable when I realized that even with that (with added nonsense after my name), I didn’t happen to be one of the lucky ones that could just go out and do it.

The best way to describe what I experienced from time to time since that one FINE day when life twisted my arm, is “there’s no pearl without pain.” These are my grandmothers words that I reminisce whenever sorrow tries to dominate my mind. Sorrow is real (and normal in subjective doses), in case you are one of those that think it’s only for sissies or think that you need deliverance every time you feel it. No offense, but I’d rather not hear about it if that’s what you think. That said, I hardly express it. It’s really none of anyone else’s business anyway.

So, yeah, again about that day. That FINE day: What felt like an utter robbery of my efforts, a squeezing out of brainpower like orange juice from an orange, I was able to hand over to the hands of the almighty and say, well, justice, you take care of this one. And me? I’m going to hit the road.

So, here I am, at 4:00 am, waiting for a connecting flight for 6 hours (for an hour’s worth journey) popping Tylenol to cope with the shivers and fever, yet, happy though, as a freezing kid in the snow, finally having the balls to write about that FINE day. So, in this interpreted version of what happened, things are cool. Stellar. Fantastic. Rockin’. And most importantly, FREE. Yeah. FREE. SO, SUCK IT. Or Swallow it!

My flight will be in less than two more hours. Ciao!

My Digital Universe

3 things I learned from my trip to the Rocky Mountains

1. Negatives may be hidden positives

While we were on an off-road hike, it started to rain and snow from time to time. At the time, we got a bit nervous because we had hiked non-stop for a few hours and had a few hours back down through the woods. Later on, while getting close to our campsite, I realized that:

  • The short stops we took because of the rain was much needed for everyone in the group to recover
  • The rain cooled things-off when it started to get a bit too hot

Sometimes things won’t make sense right then and there. But, when you reflect back, from a fresh perspective, even the unpleasant moments can be seen in a different light.

2. It’s in the way that you use it 

We all have strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes your strength in one area can be a weakness in another. If I had to tried to outrun my friend that was trailing ahead of me, I might have gotten too exhausted to enjoy the scenic views once I got there. I decided that in order to keep up with him, I was going to keep a steady pace and take shorter breaks.

My friend’s approach, which worked for him, was to sprint through large steps and take a long break once he reached flatter ground. My competitive nature wanted to do the same, but I didn’t want to be exhausted. In the end, we both reached our destination simultaneously.

3. Take a minute or two … or three!!! 

I always find myself torn between wanting to stop at every beautiful spot and taking a picture Vs. wanting to blaze my way to the top as fast as I can. Part of me wants to savor the beautiful wild flowers and skip rocks on still waters, and the other part is in a rush to get to the “grand view”.

This time around, since I wasn’t rushing through, I took time to appreciate the wildflowers. I am so glad that I did. We can get too caught up on the future and forget to live the present. My past, now, is perhaps a bit more colorful, because I took those stops and didn’t power through the hike. If I was to look at a video of the hike, there will be more footage of me taking-in the beauty of Adam’s Falls than me panting, trying to catch my breath. There are times you make a run for it and times you pace yourself.

Here’s a short video of a few hikes that we took in Boulder and at the Rocky Mountain National Park, CO.



My Digital Universe, Poems

Thoughts on Sri Lankan Independence Day


We received freedom?
Didn’t we always have it?
We decided to give it away –
Then struggled to get it back!
They got it on a piece of paper,
But never in their hearts.
They started fighting,
Instead of freedom, they spread hatred.
Little ones and old ones,
All born in the same paradise,
Looking for freedom,
As freedom burned in street corners.
We grew up in their mess.
We wanted out of there,
Now we long for paradise.
But they are still fighting?!
When will you stop?
Let us enjoy our paradise?
You have had your time.
And look where you have brought us!
We don’t want a king,
We don’t want your ideas,
We don’t want your hatred,
You can keep your freedom.
We don’t have those boundaries,
We don’t have jaded glasses,
We see each other as brothers and sisters,
Who suffered at your dependence.
Independence is freedom –
From dependence.
Dependence on your old ways.
An unfree mind will never be free!
We hope that it won’t
Take as many years for all to see,
The unity and the oneness,
Instead of the division and the otherness.
So that a new generation
That don’t have your poison,
Will join hands as one nation,
Away from your separation.
In – dependence of each other,
In- dependence of that unity,
In – dependence of that clarity,
Will celebrate independence, in-dependence.
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Where the wind blows:
At times tossed, turned or even rattled,
Rain comes- rain goes,
Yesterday, today or tomorrow?

Sunny days- warm smiles,
Minutes pass, don’t come back.
Cold nights- frozen tears,
Mock away past cheers,
Wind blows: leaves fall,
Child throws away the doll.

New day: same measures,
Past rules- past fears.
Stone wall- false hope,
Tossed away across the shore.
Birds fly, snakes crawl,
Dog barks but mountains don’t Fall!